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2015 Season – Events & News for March / April

Dear all,

If you’re reading this now, it’s probably safe to assume that there will be an annoyingly frequent flow of e-mails from now until the end of the cricket season. Please let me know if you no longer want to receive these e-mails and I’ll remove you from the distribution list.

This message contains details on the upcoming quiz night, how to pay your membership, the NatWest CricketForce event, nets and how to get some new club kit. Let’s kick off with the quiz.

Quiz night – Saturday 28th March
Always a popular night. We hope you’ll encourage family and friends to come along too, so much so that we are saying if you bring four non-members along, your ticket will be free!

7pm for 7.30pm start.
Pavilion, Dulwich Common, SE21 7EX.
£10 per entrant (includes food)
Cash prize for the winning team.

To give you a teaser from the last event, my favourite question was: Name the last eight men to win grand slam tennis events? Not as easy as it seems…

Please e-mail Dan Johnson ( to confirm your attendance so we know how many to cater for.

As ever, the winter months are the most difficult period for the Club financially. If you know you are going to be playing a full season and you are able to pay your membership fee now, we’ll be happy to take payment! We can be flexible if you are under financial pressure – but only if you are pro-active and approach the membership secretary – Mark Bartolo ( Remember, the following was agreed at the AGM.

Streatham & Marlborough are committed to providing cricket for all. Non / low income members requiring assistance should contact your captain or Mark Bartolo. The club will review individual applications on a case by case basis. The following are entitled to claim the concession rate for membership. In order to qualify for the concession rate, members must provide evidence to this effect. This must be shown to the deputy treasurer, who must agree upon this. This will, of course, be treated in confidence.

Category                                              Detailed meaning
Unemployed                                          Claiming unemployment benefit
Low-waged                                            Annual income is lower than the London living wage (2015 = £18,924 per annum)
Students                                               Must be in full-time education
Single Parent                                         Person is sole carer for a child/children
Senior                                                   Over 65

Rates are below with the bracketed amount payable after 30 April 2015:

Adult male                                            £200 (£240)
Adult female                                         £100 (£120)
Adult male concession                          £100 (£120)
Adult female concession                       £50 (£60)
U21 male                                              £65 (£80)
U21 female                                           £50 (£60)
Social membership                                £30
Colts (Training)                                      £105 (with discounts for siblings to be discussed with the Colts Manager, Sally Keith (

Payments can be made:

By cash / cheque at nets
By BACS transfer to: Streatham & Marlborough CC, Sort Code: 20-80-57, Account Number: 80617997, Ref: “Subs” or “Colts”. When doing so, please also email the treasurer

NatWest CricketForce – 27th – 29th March
As in previous years, we are asking for club members to get involved in preparing the club for the coming season and we have secured £400 worth of funding from Jewson builders to help with this. We intend to concentrate on the periphery of the club to improve the playing experience for all members and make life easier for our groundsman. This is an immensely important weekend for us, a few hours help will vastly improve your experience over the summer.

If anyone wants to assist with helping to organise the event – please contact me. It often falls to the Executive Committee to find time to organise when they already have posts which take up a lot of time.

There are three more indoor net sessions (Sunday 11am till 1pm) at DCPS for this year. As soon as the ground is dry enough for us to get outside, we’ll start running practice sessions at the home ground. I’ll keep you posted.

Adidas have updated our range of team wear for 2015. For those of you who wouldn’t be seen dead in last year’s gear, see the link below:

That’s it from me…

Streatham & Marlborough Club Captain

SMCC Sign off


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