Dear all,
Firstly, many thanks to all who attended another fantastic end of season Awards Dinner. It was another great occasion so many thanks to all the organisers. For those that missed the event, the annual awards were as follows; Karen Goodchild (Club Person), Paul Henly (Player), Brendan Guest (Young Player), Dan Ellis (1s), Dan Johnson (2s), Nishane Pillay (3s), Paul Henly (4s), Jim Hughes (5s), Richard Hunsley (6s) and Verity Quade (Ladies). Well done to all!
A couple of upcoming events to make you aware of…
Annual General Meeting – 7 November 2015
The Streatham & Marlborough Cricket Club AGM will occur on Saturday 7 November 2015. We have moved this forward from the late January AGM to allow more planning for the forthcoming season. Please make every effort to attend – this is your club and you can directly influence the direction that it takes. Then the bar will be open for you to discuss over a beer…!
Attached are the Agenda, Minutes from the last AGM and a list of current officials.
6 for 6.15pm (prompt start)
SMCC Clubhouse, Dulwich Common
Quiz – 14 November 2015
Always a popular night. We hope you’ll encourage family and friends to come along too!
7pm for 7.30pm start.
Pavilion, Dulwich Common, SE21 7EX.
£10 per entrant (includes food)
Cash prize for the winning team
Please respond to the club’s Facebook group or e-mail me if you intend to come so we have some idea on catering.
p.s. Finally, if you have a spare five minutes – this free chapter is worth a read for any club cricketer…